Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Speed Networking Experience

As many of you already know, today (Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008) there will be a Speed Networking Experience in the Sangamon Auditorium Lobby at 6:00 p.m. We had great success last year with this event, and judging by the interest shown by students, alumni, and community professionals, this year should have a great turnout as well! Here are some networking tips to help you get the most out of this event.

Before the Event:
  1. Prepare an introductory "elevator pitch" about yourself.
  2. Wear appropriate clothing/shoes- it will help give you confidence in yourself, and you'll look more professional as well.
  3. Turn off your cell phone!
  4. Check out our Networking Etiquette page!

During the Event:

  1. Stand up to greet people, especially if you haven't met them before.
  2. Remember to smile, and offer a firm handshake.
  3. Let others know your name and what you do, to facilitate conversation.
  4. Feel free to ask for business cards and offer your own.
  5. Keep a positive attitude about yourself and others.
  6. Listen to what the other person is saying.

After the Event:

  1. Call or email them to keep in touch - a good timeline is three to five days afterward.
  2. Return phone calls promptly.
  3. Arrange to meet again sometime soon.
  4. Follow up on any potential leads- whether you get a job lead, or just the name of someone who works in the field you're looking to enter.

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