Thursday, October 9, 2008

So What is GOALS all about?

Here at the Career Development Center, we believe that our job is to equip students to help themselves develop their career. When we help you with resumes, interviewing skills, or deciding on your major, we hope that you will not only be able to write a resume, answer a question, or make a decision, but learn from the experience and be able to apply those skills you learn to different situations you will encounter in the future.

One of the best ways we felt we could empower you to do just that is by giving you a resource that will guide you through the whole process of finding a job or applying to grad school in a way that makes sense to you. We started to organize the information in our website to meet the needs of students at different starting points, and with different learning styles: Auditory, Visual, or Hands-on. And because it’s online, you can work at your own pace.

The concept behind GOALS is that there are five stages of career development:

  1. Gaining Self Awareness

  2. Options to Explore

  3. Active Decision Making

  4. Launching Your Career

  5. Self Reflection

To give you a better idea of what these categories mean, here’s a brief overview of our favorite resources to consult in each section.

Depending on what stage of career development you’re currently at, you will need to learn different skills and focus on different areas of your professional image. GOALS breaks that down for you, and guides you through that process. Whether you’re a first year student, a graduate student, or an alum making a career change, GOALS can help you transition smoothly from where you’re at to where you want to be in your career. The program even lets you know which of our in-person and distance services would be useful to you!

Curious? Go see for yourself what GOALS is all about!

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